CoreFSU Designations & Course Design

Temporary Suspension of Course Proposal Review

Effective June 17th, 2024

Florida State University is moving to Coursedog, a new curriculum portal that will replace the Curricular Request Application (CRA). The Office of CoreFSU will continue to process CRA requests that have already received CoreFSU Director approval in the system. We will post information about the new approval process when it becomes available.

A professor lecturing behind a podium.

The curriculum consists of two parts: General Education Requirements and University-Wide Graduation Requirements. Each of the area requirements carries a unique set of learning outcomes and design expectations. For a comprehensive overview of CoreFSU, click here.

To certify a course for one or more CoreFSU areas, a request must be submitted using the Curricular Request Application (CRA). Click on the links below to learn about each area and see how you can contribute to the CoreFSU curriculum.